Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chiropractic World Domination – It’s everywhere

April 17, 2013

Chiropractic World Domination – It’s everywhere

Even places you wouldn’t think to look.

As I write this article I am flying back to the People’s Republic of New Jersey from California after recently speaking at Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised to find that there are a huge number of students, faculty, and administrators that are seeking and finding the principles of chiropractic at that school.

I was given the royal treatment during my trip to LACC. A limo was sent to pick me up and upon arrival to the campus the students who had so persistently invited me greeted and began to introduce me to many other bright young principled chiropractic leaders on the campus. Some of these young leaders are currently working to establish an IFCO club on campus so that students can begin to get involved in shaping the political future of our noble profession.
About a year ago in California I was introduced to a member of the board of Trustees at LACC while I was speaking at a philosophy event on Sothern California. I have forgotten the name of who I spoke with but this man was committed to getting more philosophy on campus and teaching chiropractic in a way that is more congruent with its principles. He recognized that much of the current education was geared towards an insurance-based payment system that was gradually disappearing. We talked and were in agreement on the fact that the only way chiropractic graduates will be able to thrive in the future will be to go back to creating value for the separate and distinct service of vertebral subluxation correction that chiropractic offers as its contribution to health care.

Dr. Mark Losack is professor at LACC. He offers an elective chiropractic philosophy course, which is unlike most chiropractic philosophy courses at many of the broad scoped chiropractic colleges. Many times chiropractic colleges offer philosophy courses that are really nothing more than history lessons. Innate Intelligence, Vertebral Subluxation, and the chiropractic adjustments are only historical concepts in these classes. The view is that by moving away from its roots and its philosophy chiropractic will advance and become accepted by the mainstream cultural authority of medicine. This is NOT the case in Dr. Losack’s class. The week before I spoke he had Dr. Simon Senzon presenting, one our professions most prolific philosophical writers, address the students about various topics related to chiropractic philosophy.

My topic of course was “How to take over the world with TIC”. I had the privilege of expounding on chiropractic philosophy and sharing some of the powerful ways that it can be communicated in order to have the greatest impact on the communities we serve around the world. Dr. Lossack’s classroom format allows the students attending the class to interrupt the speaker with questions at any time. This led us to many spirited discussion on topics like “why therapies are not chiropractic” and “how the inclusion of drugs would destroy the credibility and uniqueness of our profession as well as be an extreme danger to the public at large.”

These debates allowed all involved including me to refine our arguments and learn how to better communicate our messages. The debate while at times heated was respectful and well moderated. I think we all left the room with a better understanding of the issues involved and a clearer understanding of just how much work is left to be done to educate our next generation of chiropractors properly to be able to guard the sacred trust and promote the benefits of vertebral subluxation correction to the masses.

Upon leaving the classroom I was approached by a few LACC students that wanted to discuss an issue that they felt very strongly about. These students love the philosophy, science and art of chiropractic. They have done much to seek out the people that can teach it to them even if that is not always on their campus. Unfortunately many times they find that well meaning principled chiropractors bash their school in public forums. This is very hurtful to them. Many told me that they are studying at their particular school because it is the most convenient for them for one reason or another. One young man almost was brought to tears as he told me about how his wife was stationed at a nearby military base with his children. The only way he could go to another school besides LACC was if he left his wife and kids. He expressed to me how bad he felt when participating in chiropractic philosophy based events that bashed his school. I can tell you that this bright and principled man does not deserve to be made to feel like a second-class chiropractic student. He is not the problem. He is part of the solution.

I came away from this conversation with a greater understanding of the plight of these students. I will say that during the course of my day on LACC I spoke to at least 100 students who were on fire about principled chiropractic. That is a lot of the student body at LACC!! Many of these students have been influenced positively by the efforts of chiropractors like Dr. Billy DeMoss who tirelessly organizes some of the greatest speakers in chiropractic to present at his Dead Chiropractic Society Clubhouse or at Cal Jam. These valuable resources are right in the backyard of LACC and they inspire students to seek more knowledge about TIC.

Let’s face it, we all know that even at the traditionally straight schools of chiropractic there are folks that when they graduate will mix up a storm! Even members of the fringe element of our profession that currently want drugs to be included into the profession were educated at principled institutions.
Some of the most influential chiropractors of our time graduated from schools where chiropractic philosophy was non-existent or sparse at best. People like Dr. James Sigafoose and Dr. Joe Borio come to mind as some of our most famous National graduates.

I truly believe that we should all be supporting schools that publicly support the principles of chiropractic. That being said I think we should be more careful about bashing schools who don’t agree with the direction that we know the profession needs to go. Doing this causes hurt feelings of the many good students that attend schools and as a result they leave feeling alienated or somewhat inferior to other students attending a chiropractic philosophically based event. We will get nowhere doing this as far as building stronger bridges for change. We want to open these students up to our message. Bashing their school doesn’t accomplish this.

Want to make a real difference in chiropractic’s future? Then reach out to these students who are hungry for TIC no matter what campus they find themselves in. If you can’t go on campus then go off campus nearby but I urge you to make a commitment to help be a part of the solution. It is time we light more candles rather than curse the darkness.

I would like to thank LACC fledgling chiropracTORS Chris Boman, Nicole Leshaw, Aubrey Rivera, and Dan Ceballo for their hospitality while in Los Angeles. This group of students is working hard to help other students get the big idea in chiropractic on their campus. Many are IFCO student members now and the ones who aren’t yet I hope will be.

~Liam Schubel, DC



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The Wednesday Weekly is an official publication of the International Federation of Chiropractors and Organizations. It is owned and distributed by the IFCO for the purpose of promoting the IFCO and chiropractic. The IFCO reserves the right to edit all submitted materials. All opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the official view of the IFCO.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

International Federation of Chiropractors and Organizations

My name is Dr. Liam P. Schübel and I have been asked to write a few words as to why I support the International Federation of Chiropractors and Organizations.  I will start by saying that I am a firm believer in Mahatma Ghandi’s statement that we must be the change that we wish to see in the world.  Currently the world is in a major health care crisis. I believe this presents a major opportunity for chiropractic if we can present ourselves with a clear message of who we are and what we do.  A clear message requires purity.

There are many professional organizations that claim to represents chiropractic.  Some would accept the use of drugs and surgery into our scope of practice.  Other organizations have a mixed message of chiropractic that would include anything except drugs and surgery into chiropractic.   In my opinion neither of these options are the way to go if we truly want to be the change that we wish to see in the world.

The IFCO was founded in 1974 by one of the greatest chiropractic communicators that has every lived, Dr. Reggie Gold. I have been deeply moved by the effectiveness in which Reggie expressed the simple message of chiropractic around the world by maintaining it in the purest sense.

We need to unify as chiropractors to be our most effective.  That unity however needs to be behind simple and clear message based on the unique principles chiropractic.  The IFCO has this message and is perfectly poised to deliver it to the world.  If you understand that chiropractic is about correcting vertebral subluxations, nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else then join this modern day group of pioneers that will restore chiropractic to its original splendor and truly take over the world with TIC. Join now!

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Vision: Chiropractic World Domination

    Have you ever stopped and wondered what the world would be like if every man, woman, and child in the world was checked for subluxation since birth and continued to receive regular chiropractic adjustments when needed throughout their lives?  What would that mean to the human potential of the planet?  Why isn’t Chiropractic normal yet?  Why do some people even Chiropractors refer to Chiropractic as an alternative to medicine?  Why do we prefer to use invasive things when dealing with dis-ease in the body like harmful drugs, dangerous injections, and risky surgeries?  Have we lost all common sense?  Have we really become that disconnected from our innate intelligence?

    These are the questions that keep me awake at night.  They tend to cause many Chiropractors even to become depressed.  I once heard Donny Epstein the inventor of Network Chiropractic say that the cure to depression is to “Do Sh#@!!!! “ One of Gandhi’s famous quotes was to “be the change that you wish to see in the world. “ I have found that, whenever I am feeling frustrated or upset about a current situation, the best way out of it is to clearly define the challenge and then to strategize a solution, which is followed by taking massive action.  This technique has not only helped my mental well being tremendously but it has also brought me glorious riches.  The whole world loves men and woman who provide solutions rather then complain about the problems at hand.

  I have asked the question time and time again: Why is Chiropractic not something normal in most people’s lives yet?  If you keep asking the right questions persistently the universe will eventually send the answer.  My answer came at Sherman College of Chiropractic’s Lyceum a few years ago.  A good friend of mine Dr. Myron Brown suggested that I attend the presentation of sociologist Dr. Yvonne Villanueva-Russell.  Dr. Villanueva –Russell is the wife of New Zealand Chiropractic College president Dr. Eric Russell.  She has done some groundbreaking research on a topic called cultural authority.  What is cultural authority?  “Cultural authority is the collective programming of a given society in regards to their norms and expectations” This is a term that we must begin to understand if we are to bring about a change in the way our collective culture views its health and health care.  Currently Medicine is the cultural authority for health in most countries of the world.  A medical doctor legally can declare you born, sick, and/or dead.  They have authority in many places to determine what course of action must legally be taken in regards to your children’s health.  Stray outside this cultural authority’s “norms” and your children may even be taken away from you as you are sent to jail.

     I have been fascinated by this movement in some countries to take chiropractic away from its unique philosophy, art, and science and move it over to the current ruling cultural authority of medicine.  Eliminating the terms innate intelligence and vertebral subluxation from our lexicon and changing our focus to the treatment of a limited number of musculoskeletal conditions in the hopes that the cultural authority may finally accept us is an interesting concept.   During a recent trip to speak to the World Congress of Chiropractic Students in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I was told that they are learning “evidence based” chiropractic.  That actually sounds good to me.  I asked them if they had read all the evidence in relation to the existence of an innate intelligence and the validity of the vertebral subluxation.  I asked if they have the Journal for Vertebral Subluxation Research in their school library.  The answer to both of these questions was no.  Apparently the move toward “evidence based” chiropractic comes with an agenda.  There is no objectivity when certain evidence is dismissed or not even presented over other evidence that may be considered more acceptable to the current cultural authority of medicine.

   So what is the solution to this obvious obfuscation of the truth?  Action…Action…Action..  If we are to bring Chiropractic and it benefits to the roughly 7 billion people on this planet then we are going to have to get involved and stand up and lead the world.  The cultural authority is not always correct.  The only way to bring it down and to transform a society is to lead a movement to change it.  We must be the change that we wish to see in the world.

I believe this change must occur in three parts.
  1. We must have successful practices with huge volumes of satisfied practice members who are willing to participate in this movement.  They must be educated and excited about this peaceful revolution of consciousness.
  2. We must become involved in politics.  Too long we have only focused on serving our people in our practices while others within our profession have passed laws to create barriers to delivering chiropractic adjustments to the people.
  3. Giving back to the students that are currently in Chiropractic school.  Have you spoken to the students at a chiropractic school yet?  In spite of the schools agendas we can now reach the students and organize talks and seminars through Facebook and the Internet.  Facebook was instrumental in bringing down the incorrect cultural authorities of many Middle Eastern nations.  This can also be done with the current incorrect cultural authority of medicine and medic like chiropractors who are trying to convert chiropractic to medicine.  We must train the next generation of Chiropractors because the schools are simply not doing it.
Contact me today to get involved in this growing principled movement.  Every day we are finding world wide that the principled Chiropractic movement is gaining more momentum.  We can take control of this important game if we only stand up, speak out, and lead.  If you are not going to lead the way then move out of my way because I am coming through and I am bringing the rest of the 7 billion people on the planet with me.

Liam P. Schubel D.C.

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